Payment Details

Tuition fee can be directly transferred to the bank account of the Faculty of Medicine. Banking details are as follows. 

Bank details for payment of Tuition fee (within EU): 

Beneficiary´s bank:

Štátna pokladnica, Radlinskeho 32, 810 05 Bratislava, Slovakia



Beneficiary´s account number IBAN:


Beneficiary´s account name:

UPJŠ Lekárska fakulta,

Beneficiary´s address:

Trieda SNP 1, 040 11 Košice, Slovakia

Country code:


Payment purpose :

Tuition fee, name and surname of the student

Bank details for payment of Tuition fee (out of EU): 

Beneficiary´s bank:

Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s. Mlynské Nivy 1, 829 90 Bratislava, Slovakia



Beneficiary´s account number IBAN:


Beneficiary´s account name:

Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Safarika v Kosiciach,

Beneficiary´s address:

Šrobarova 2, 041 80 Košice, Slovakia

Payment purpose:

Tuition fee, name and surname of the student

Payment Purpose: add name and surname of the applicant.

  • The transfer sheet should include the name of the student.
  • If the tuition fee is not credited to the above bank account by the deadline given in the Letter of Acceptance, students have to pay a default charge (0.05 % of the Tuition Fee daily) and may be suspended/dismissed.
  • Service charge of bank transfer should be covered by the applicant.